WARNING: This blog frequently contains humor...

...or at least my lame attempts at humor. In any case, not everything you read here should be taken literally. A sense of humor is highly recommended.

Use only as directed. Jon Gardner, his company and its subsidiaries will be held harmless in the event of nausea, vomiting, blindness or other permanent injury, including death, which is about as permanent as it gets, resulting from the improper consumption of this material. This content is known to cause cancer in the state of California.

Quotation marks, quotes, Jon Gardner Voice-Overs
Today, a unique chance to gather meaningful encouragement and insight. About now, you are probably thinking that you must have clicked on the wrong blog.
My Musical Life, Jon Gardner Voice-Overs
Sometimes a song stays with you and evolves to become what you need as you go along.
Star Trek Deep Space 9
Voice-over wisdom hidden within Star Trek revealed here for the first time! Well, second time, since this is Volume 2.
Star Trek, NCC-1701-D
I bet you didn't know that many of the primary characters were also voice actors.
Virus-Corona-Jon Gardner Voice-Overs
Somewhere back in the unremembered annals of history, specifically three weeks ago, a fairy flew into […]
JOn Gardner Voiceovers, review of Rode nth-100 headphones
Headphones, failed relationships and using Paul Strikwerda as a scapegoat all in this issue of the TL;DR Voice-Over Blog!
You could always watch another YouTube video to get what you need, right? So what is the big deal?
Michelangelo's David, a closeup on Jon Gardner Voice-Overs
I can either focus on the things that constrain me or I can see the beauty and potential of what is being created.
Film reels. Jon Gardner voice-overs, old beginnings
I wasn’t a complete rookie, but I looked like a deer in the headlights, dazed and confused.
The TL;DR voice-Over Blog, relaxed grumpy cat
Be assured, my cats have shown no sign of insult or injury from my definitely not hurtful or hateful terms of endearment.

Being a professional voice actor is about more than the sound of a voice. It is script interpretation, acting, imagination, and a professional who makes your project more important that their ego. It also means broadcast quality sound, great communication skills, prompt follow-up and a quick turnaround. A great attitude doesn't hurt either.

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